Practical Advice...
Below are our articles on the subject of Practical Advice. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Coping with Morning Clothing Battles
Nipping those morning clothing battles in the bud before they escalate into full-scale war is important. Set the ground rules but be reasonable and you can't go wrong....
Dealing With Guilt Because You Work
Why is it that mothers who work outside the home are so often made to feel guilty? Men who are family breadwinners are applauded, not condemned. No matter why you…...
Dealing With Troublesome Teens
Adolescence is the time when most teenagers seek to define themselves as individuals, distancing themselves from their parents and getting closer to their peers. But…...
Do's and Don't's for Playdates
Planning a playdate isn't rocket science, but you should always adhere to proper playdate protocol to avoid unnecessary tantrums and tears, as well as total meltdowns......
Employing a Cleaner
Many middle-class families initially balk at employing a cleaner, but working mums need all the help they can get. If you can afford it, it can make an enormous…...
Freezing Meals Ahead of Time
Few working mums have extra time to spend slaving over a hot cooker. If you want your family to have fresh, nutritious meals that don't cost the Earth, read on.…...
How to Enjoy a Holiday with the Kids
Don't turn your potential holiday heaven into holiday hell. You can enjoy travelling with the children - just make sure everyone has age-appropriate activities they…...
How to Fit in Your Supermarket Shop
Most of us hate having to go the supermarket, especially if you have to drag a load of screaming kids with you. But how can busy working mums fit in the supermarket shop?...
Involving the Kids in the Housework
Teaching your kids to pitch in with the household chores is important. They are learning life skills, and you get a cleaner house! Use our tips to make doing the…...
Organising your Work/Life Diary
Organising a diary with your work/life commitments written down, as well as your children's activities, will help you to better organise your working week - and also…...
Packed Lunches for Both You and the Children
Making a healthy packed lunch for both you and your children isn't rocket science. In the long run, it can make financial sense - and even taste good!...
Practical Stress Relieving Tips
Today's working mums seem to think they can have it all - but that they have to do it all as well. The result is a new generation of women who are more stressed than…...
Preparing Your Yr 6 Child to Travel to School Alone
Travelling to and from secondary school on their own is a rite of passage for most eleven-year-olds. While the vast majority of them take it in their stride, it can…...
Pumping Breast Milk at Work
Many women want to continue breastfeeding their babies even after they return to work, and there's no reason why they shouldn't. Pumping breast milk at work will…...
Set up a Car Share Scheme
Setting up a car share scheme to take the children to and from school can save you both time and money. It makes a lot of sense if public transport is not an option…...
Talking to Your Kid's About Money
Kids need to learn about money when they are still kids, so they can manage it wisely when thy are adults. Teaching them can be difficult, but there are many ways to…...
Tips for Eating Out With the Kids
Most people envision a restaurant meal as a relaxing time, away from the stresses and cares of everyday life. When you take the children along with you, however,…...
Tips for Working Mums Who Study
Everyone knows how difficult it can be to juggle a career and family. But for working mums who also study, life can become even more difficult. These tips can help......
Top PTA Fund Raising Ideas
Parent Teacher Associations, or PTAs, exist as the school’s primary fundraising bodies. Whether it’s to raise money for computers, playground equipment or art…...
What Does a Governing Body Do?
Governors make decisions on areas such as school policy and targets, and both support and challenge the headteacher and help prepare for inspections. Their input plays…...
Working Out a Work, Life, Kids Routine
For working mums, it's all about juggling. Make sure you get the balance right to avoid everything from crashing down, and set up a healthy work/life routine that will…...