Working Options...
Below are our articles on the subject of Working Options. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Having a Job Share
A job share can often be the best of both worlds - you get to keep your job, but work fewer hours. Having a job share that really works, however, depends a lot on the…...
Pros and Cons of Working Flexible Hours
Working flexible hours is a dream come true for many working mums, but each type of working scenario has its own pros and cons. If you want a good work/life balance,…...
Pros and Cons of Working Part Time
Working part time can be a fantastic family-friendly solution for working mums, but you have to carefully weigh up all the advantages as well as disadvantages before…...
What Are Staggered and Compressed Hours?
Not everyone these days works from 9 ‘til 5, Monday to Friday. Many different types of flexible working arrangements are now available, including working staggered or…...
Working Term Time Only
Chris and Sara Miller found the ideal solution to achieve the perfect work/life balance when Chris started working term time only. He gets to spend more time with the…...