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Below are our articles on the subject of School. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
All About Term-Time Working
All About Term-Time Working
Term-time working allows working mums - and dads - with school-age kids to take time off when they're children are off school. If you can cope financially with 13…...
Building a Relationship with Your Child's Teacher
Building a Relationship with Your Child's Teacher
Having a strong relationship with your child's teacher and helping support your children's learning is important. There are ways to nurture and develop the…...
Choosing the Right After School Activities
Choosing the Right After School Activities
Today's children are faced with a huge number of after-school activities to choose from. We parents should help them make choices based on their innate interests and…...
Coping with the School Run
Coping with the School Run
Coping with the school run can test the patience of even the most hardened mother. But getting the kids to school on time is a necessity not a luxury, so follow our…...
Dealing with Over Zealous Stay at Home Mums
Dealing with Over Zealous Stay at Home Mums
It's hard enough to be a working mum without having to deal with guilt from stay-at-home mums who have the luxury of being able to volunteer for every school event and…...
How to Attend School Meetings
How to Attend School Meetings
Parent-teacher meetings are vital to learn about your child's progress and show the teacher that you are involved as a parent. It can be difficult for working mums to…...
How to Make Friends with Other Mums
How to Make Friends with Other Mums
Don't spend the rest of your children's time at school hiding behind the school gates. Making friends with other mums isn't that tricky to accomplish, as long as…...
Planning a Birthday Party
Planning a Birthday Party
Planning your child's birthday party shouldn't zap you of precious time and energy. With a little creativity and forward-thinking, you can easily stay on top of the…...
Setting up Emergency Contacts While At Work
Setting up Emergency Contacts While At Work
Supplying adequate emergency contact numbers is imperative if someone else is looking after your children while you're at work. You always need to have a responsible…...
Staying Involved with your Children's School
Staying Involved with your Children's School
Staying involved with your children's school means more than just occasionally helping them with their homework. Take the time to see what else you can do, by either…...
Tips for Getting that Homework Done
Tips for Getting that Homework Done
Working mums find it harder than anyone else to find time to help their kids do their homework. But even though we may hate it - and the kids certainly do - homework…...
Volunteering for School Events
Volunteering for School Events
Helping out at your child's school will benefit both you and them. Even if you don't think you have the time, volunteering for a one-off event can make a world of…...