Your Partner...
Below are our articles on the subject of Your Partner. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Childproofing your Marriage
Too many couples stop making time for each other once children come along, and as a result they drift apart - often irrevocably. Start childproofing your marriage…...

Doing Activities You and Your Partner Both Love
Indulging in activities you and your partner both love is pertinent to helping keep your relationship alive. But it can be hard to make time when the pressures of work…...

Earning More than Your Partner
When she earns more than he does, it can often be a recipe for disaster. But it needn't be that way. While men should rejoice if their partners are big earners, not…...

Fighting in Front of the Children
Should Mummy and Daddy ever argue in front of the kids? The answer is a tough one. Most experts believe that while arguing in front of children can be detrimental, it…...

Going on Regular Dates with Your Partner
Going our on a date with your husband or partner might sound a tad odd, but making time for each other is a crucial part of keeping a relationship alive. Regular dates…...

Having a Holiday Without the Kids
It's okay to have a holiday without the kids, it just requires a lot of advance planning and a little sensitivity......

Improving Communication With Your Partner
Learning to communicate as a couple is really the cement of each and every relationship. Failing partnerships can be saved when both members want to save it, and key…...

Keeping the Romance Alive as Working Parents
Working mums all too often find that the demands of their children and job leave them with little time for anything else. That's why relationships with significant…...

Keeping the Spark Alive in your Relationship
Keeping the spark alive is vital for every relationship - and when there are children involved, it's more important than ever. Getting back on the right track isn't…...

Sharing the Workload as a Busy Parent
Do you and your partner share the workload evenly? Arguing over whose turn it is to get up with the kids or sort the laundry can sap your strength. But when both…...

Stay at Home Dads: Pro's and Con's
The vast majority of working mums find having a husband or partner who's a stay-at-home dad a mixed blessing. But once the initial obstacles are ironed out, it can be…...

When Your Partner Loses His Job
When your partner loses his job, it can be tough on the whole family - even if you are the main breadwinner. This can be a trying time both emotionally and…...

When Your Partner Wants You to Quit Work
If your partner suddenly asks you to quit your job, the reaction can be complete joy - or utter frustration. Looking at the reasons behind his not wanting you to work…...